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Implement in Full-Scale Bilingualization of Taiwan's Educational System;

Cultivate Bilingual Talents to Bring Taiwan to the World





In accord with the "Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030" announced by the National Development Council (NDC) on December 6, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has now set "implementing full scale bilingualization of Taiwan's educational system and cultivating bilingual talents to bring Taiwan to the world" as its goal. 

To reach this goal, five policies will be launched: 

1.Adopt a dynamic teaching approach with focus on daily English use, 

2.Expand human resources required for English education, 

3.Make effective use of digital technology and promote individualized learning, 

4.Accelerate the internationalization of the educational system, and 

5.Relax current regulations to allow for flexible mechanisms. 

These policies will enhance students' English competencies for both general use, and for use in the competitive workplace. Working together with other ministries and departments, the MOE wants to meet the need to vitalize English teaching and learning, so that English can serve as a useful tool in our society. Only then can the bilingual-country policy be deemed successful.